Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Quick Check-up

6:34 p.m. -- 7 months

Baby A saw our pediatrician this morning. She hates him as much as ever, if not more, freaking out as soon as her back touched his examination table and not stopping until she was certain the nightmare was over.

She also didn't take to a painless eye exam, crying so much that the eye not wearing a pirate patch was closed too often for the nurse to gauge how often she looked at animated animals on a computer screen. So we'll have to try that again next visit.

But the kid has no cause for concern, since the doc says her progress is "like clockwork."

She's 28 inches long (95th percentile), 19 pounds and 6 ounces (90th percentile), and her head is 18-1/2 inches around (again off the charts).

The big news: she gets to end her all-cereal diet and begin to eat fruits this month. We'll start on bananas and progress from there. By the time we see him again in two months, he says she can be eating not just vegetables but meat. Since M's post-partum food allergies began, we do bring chicken into the house. But we've never bought red meat (or pork or veal, etcetera); I wonder if Baby A will alter our shopping and dining habits.

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